On Sunday it will be 50 days until Nationals!!!
could you guys join group JesuSaves and dogs for Jesus? Group JesuSaves is known for Bible trivias. So if you like those you should join! It is a group for God. And both groups are clean of bad words. Group Dogs for Jesus is known for bravery and kindness. The group has been deleted by someone mean, but it just made another one. My brother was so sad because that was his group, and it had about 2,000 group verses current. So if you could join Dogs for Jesus we could make the group great again. If you say "Hi, I joined." then I will almost guarantee you will be welcomed. So If you are looking for a kind, welcoming, active group please join either one. PWEEZE😇 I want to make my brother happy.
Do not ask: I'm a Junior.
Yay! I finally found a group that has the remaining junior Nats passages on it. Thank you!
I have entered the Nationals Passages. For the passages that cover more than one chapter, they are entered as one passage. I had to work around the system, so the title looks weird. Sorry :) If you notice any errors, please inform me.
Yes, I did change my name ;)
Hi, I am new here. My name is Grace but please call me Emma. I am a junior. This is my first year doing the bible bee.
@Brianna: Thanks for adding the ER passages!
You can join if you are a Junior.
I put the Early Release Passages up. Please notify me if I have made any mistakes. :)
The Early Release Passages are out! I will try to add them shortly.