I should also add that the hint is two numbers, but the answer/group name is two letters (with no space between them)
Ok, so the hint has two digits and the answer (which is the name of the group) has two digits
Still don’t know what that means
Here’s some help with the below hint: there is no spaces, the space in the clue between the 4 and 5 was for clarity so you didn’t think it was a fort-five. Also, don’t overthink it
reposting: if you’ve found this group from the hint in TBB, your new hint is: 4 5 (this hint replaces the old one)
yeah I love codes a d word puzzles i will try to figure this one out
wow you already found it! - this hint replaces the first one
new hint 4 5 what does that mean?
very sneaky though good job
where's the verse? aghhh🤔
New hint: 4 5
[Herald of Light activity from The Bible Brigade]