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Welcome, mainesmith, to the Winston-Salem church memory group. We're glad you have decided to join us in memorizing Scripture.
ovey yeung: Hello. This group is people who belong to Jesus Christ and meet together in Golden, Colorado. The church meets in a building near I-70 on the west side of Denver (hence the name Westside).
hello! I am wondering which Westside church this is? where is this located?
Welcome, Lisa. I hope you enjoy Bible Memory. God's word will encourage you as you put it into your mind and heart! Plus, it's also the best antidote to temptation!
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
Hi! We have a new member in our group! Welcome, MI Turley, from Jeff, Merrit, Sheryle, Lissy, Judy, Sam, Pat, Elizabeth, and anon. May the Lord bless you richly as you put His word into your heart!
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
Hi! We have a new member in our group! Welcome, Elizabeth, from Jeff, Merrit, Sheryle, Lissy, Judy, Sam, Pat, and anon. The app is still messed up about giving us our group points, but I trust you are getting your individual points as you continue to memorize scripture.
Add Psalm 23 to your memory list!
Add the Beatitudes to your memory list!