Hello everyone! Please join my group called When Love Broke Through!😊 Hope to see you there soon!👍
Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
Happy New Year!!! I’ve added a wonderful new verse to start the year off! 2 Cor 5:21 is our new verse which reminds us that Jesus didn’t just bear our sin, He actually BECAME sin on the cross for us. Incredible! TY Jesus! We love You so much!!
OK everyone, I added a new verse (really 2 verses) this morning that will help us all during the holidays as family comes to visit or we go visit them. 😉
Monika, pls send me an email and I will send you some verses. My email is mike.mcgown@parkwayfellowship.com
Good morning, Ps. Mike! Some verses around provision/meeting needs/blessing would be fantastic.
Monika, is there a specific topic you are interested in? I could suggest some verses related to that if I knew what you are interested in.
It would be really helpful if the suggested memory verses could be grouped based on theme/what they speak to, i.e., discouragement, faith, anxiety, protection, provision, hope, etc. Just a thought!
JP, I’m going to add a new verse from time to time, like maybe once a month. The idea here is that you start your own memory verse collection and put in it verses that a meaningful to you. But if you need some suggestions, just message me here and I’ll give you some more! And great work to already having these fully memorized!!
Sandy, WTG on James 1!! That’s a huge accomplishment!
well, I downloaded this a few years ago when you mentioned it and decide to memorize James Chapter 1 for a start. Love this app and love that Parkway has developed a group. BTW, I still need some reminder help sometimes, but “check” James chapter 1 memorized!
Good Morning! Question- where do we find the next week’s verses to memorize after we have memorized the first week’s verses?
You guys are CRUSHING it!! Keep it up! I’m so proud of you!!
Good morning parkway family, checking in this morning doing my daily verses. I hope everyone has a blessed Tuesday
good morning PF family today is day I will start with 5 a week as well
today is day one!!! trying to learn 5 a week!!
I am happy to be here, going to let this be my first APP every day!!