IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY NEEDS TO LISTEN TO EPIC:THE MUSICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN FIND IT ON YOUTUBE OR SPOTIFY!!!!!!!! IT IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!! (maybe that was a bit much, but it is seriously one of the best things i've ever heard!!!)
I like hot burning grills
Emilia, I'm low-key nervous....
I'm back, Ya'll miss me???!!!
GGGGGRRRRAAACCCEEEEE help me I can't change my Profile!!!!!!!!!( btw this is no emergecy)
Sorry, idk why that posted again......... But, what do you mean what??
I DON'T LIKE MAPLE SYRUP AND PANCAKES!!!!!!!! Ok, well, I do, but I don't. Ya get me?? Not many people will get me........ But whatever. Honestly, maple syrup is really good, but........... Well, yeah, someone would know about Maple Syrup being really good... But that's because the XY chromosome is obnoxious....
I DON'T LIKE MAPLE SYRUP AND PANCAKES!!!!!!!! Ok, well, I do, but I don't. Ya get me?? Not many people will get me........ But whatever. Honestly, maple syrup is really good, but........... Well, yeah, someone would know about Maple Syrup being really good... But that's because the XY chromosome is obnoxious....
what's up enjoy memorizing the verses goodluch
what's up y'all
were are you in your verses?
hey BTS what are you meroizing? sorry if I have bad spelling.
ok, let's get amortizing as soon as possible. I already have 4 verses.
Grace! Dude, somebody should tatolly do Bible quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace! Dude, somebody should tatolly do Bible quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, we next year is going to be great!
Emilia!!!!! Yes, Dude, Somebody should Really join The group. Surely, I understand what you mean.........
stop fighting girls! dude somebody should totally join our group.
Grace only you know what that means.
We got this.(the competition.)
"Sun, Camera is Hotel Heart with you".............??? What does that mean??
Well, you're a double loser mcButt face
Mrs. Bonner was gone, but she came in and found out about it, so she made Caleb publicly apologize to me, and IT WAS SOOOOOO AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHH
oooohhh i see......... (she said, smirking evilly)
Literally during the first 2 hours of the day, David, Caleb, and Hunter were arguing over me....
decode this message: uoy sevol divad
Ur mommmmmmm
Btw, I ship Dallie or Calkota
hey grace, what up you???
Good job, Callie. Ur such a good person. <3
btw, BTS, you're welcome to stay in this group with us
what up guys?! Keep studying hard and working on those verses. Well, have a great week!!!
Oh. Yeah, this isn't my group, so idrk how to do anything with adding verses. But, some of us are memorizing 1 Peter, and others are memorizing Hebrews.
i would memorize the ones in this group but there are nome
well I'm memorizing my own
So, what verses are you memorizing, BTS?
Oh, you have a sister named Grace?? That's so cool!!! And, I'm not in charge of the group, but I'm fine with you staying. I'll ask my friends tho. :)
so if u need me to leave I will😁
I think I was kicked out, and I'm sorry if this was supposed to be a group for others.
cause when I have joined I the past
is it alright for me to join?
I have a sister named grace
Whoopsies, it repeated hehehehhe
Ur mom oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh burn!!!!!!!!!!
what up peeps! What's the hizzlehaps for 2day???
Ur mom oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh burn!!!!!!!!!!
what up peeps! What's the hizzlehaps for 2day???
Sup guys! Remember to study your verses before we start school again...
sup winnas
we gonna slay this competish
like totes magotes