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Love your profile pic Angel 😆😂
Mann this is getting more and more inactive 🙈
Yeah everything comes with practice 😪
nice! I've always wanted to play guitar
Ohh wow. That's cool. Frr
Wait jj u do cello that's so cool
Same here but just piano nd guitar
Not much..practicing my violin, school and stuff like that
Cool! What grade are y'all?
Pretty good! Busy with school
Hey! How's it going for you all?
Good question I don't know 😂
i think u need to see a doctor JJ
ignore him he’s being an idiot 😌
Hey guys!! the only two active ppl on my group now
Hey guys!! Wow I've been inactive for so long!
I totally forgot I posted on here 😅
Now I'm at a convention called ASI
Rn, we're going to the beach ⛱️
I'm doing great! Just been busy with summer camp
Hey guys just popping on to say hi and see how y'all are
Hey guys, I'll be at summer camp starting today, and it goes for a I prolly won't be very active
Lol why is that your name then, Angel? 😅
ahhhhhh please don’t call me that 🫣
You should look into it @Grandma Matt
Yes, we watched something about them a few months ago. Their very daring!
It's about living in India, and they're trying to find out which snakes cause the most deaths in snake bites
Have you guys heard of the documentary, the land of a thousand snake bites?
Haha, Angel, you added ms potato head to your name
Haha sorry should have clarified 😅
It was awesome!! The kids enjoyed it and we all did too!
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