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Passion Week

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WELCOME Friends, you may have learned these verses individually in others groups, but if you have joined me in my other groups, you know I desire to learn in passages to better get the full meaning of God's word to us. If you need to first learn an individual verse that is only listed here in groups, you can either impute it on your own individual Verse Page, which then you can easily remove or stop reviewing when no longer needed after learning a passage or you can join a Group that specializes in verses of that book of the Bible.  After learning the Crucifixion/Resurrection passages of John in the group THE WORD and HIS words... I knew I wanted to learn other passages of Scripture that take place during the Passion Week of our Lord's ministry. These passages are taken from the Chronological Study Bible but are not all inclusive. Friends, the parables of Jesus on Tues and Wed deserve a Group of their own and so will not be listed here, except in some of Jesus' responses and summary. Because ST/BM lists passages in a collection from their Biblical order, some day's passages appear out of time sequence.  Also similiar passages may be repeated from a different book on the same day because each gives added information. And one more thing, you know that I am not being flippant with the Collection Titles, but must be creative in wordage to keep the appearance of the Days of the Week in order!


This may well be a project in progress for several seasons for you as it has been for me in the making! May you be blessed!


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