Hello everyone! Please join my group called When Love Broke Through!😊 Hope to see you there soon!👍
🌺 Happy Sabbath, everyone! 🙏❤
Something interesting.. "Why do beavers rest EVERY sabbath day?" video on YouTube. A strange silence is always observed by them on Saturdays. A hush falls over all their activities at sundown every Friday evening without fail. And this is regarding every beaver around the world, regardless of the season. On Sunday mornings, they begin their work again. https://youtu.be/uZ-Sz7fLyf0?si=NeLvyc8eRwzBo8W9
Turn on Youtube to an exciting in-depth prophesy Seminar called the Amazing Facts Prophesy Odyssey (.com) seminar. This is going on right now in New York with Pr Doug Batchelor leading out! 😀
Fountainview Academy choir and orchestra (from Canada) will be live at the Village SDA Church in College Place, Washington tonight. The program starts at 7 pm and may be LIVE on Blue Mountain TV or the HOPE Channel. You may also be able to see it on Youtube and Facebook. They have excellent music program! Then tomorrow, John Bradshaw will be speaking during the Gospel Outreach program (same church). Hope you can make it!
@Everyone: LBJ or Shannon is trying to locate SIRI. Does anyone remember those names, or have any contact with them? She posted an email address on Final Events.
What a wonderful idea, to learn verses from Handel's Messiah! I have sung this with a large choir many times. It is truly a lovely oratorial. 😍
Welcome, JFB, glad you joined us! Blessings both now and esp. at Christmas when we hear it sung the most!
Blessed Easter, everyone! HE IS RISEN!!
Monica, I did check and no new verses have been added in any of my collections, so the added verses just appear on your own page. When I have time, I will check them out and add them.
If anyone is interested, I have a Group called Passion Week for verses and passages for each day of Passion Week, as well as one called The Christmas Story according to Luke. Everyone is welcome!
Hi, Monica, sorry I didn't check the message board last Christmas but I usually do the reviews from my review schedule page. I used a list from the internet when I organized the Collections. I didn't realize there was different versions of The Messiah or additional verses. I am surprised that you could add to the list in the Collections for everyone as usually the Admin (which is me) has to give you permission by adding your name as an Admin. However, it's OK with me if it did. I will have to check my Collections for the additions and can then add them on the Announcement page. Have a blessed Easter season! Thanks for joining!!
A Psalm of David.The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 [herald of light activity from the Bible brigade]
Hi Charlotte and others, some versions of Handel's Messiah have additional verses, which I've been able to add in (I didn't realize that adding them in my list would add them for all of you!) I am not able to edit the list on the announcements page, but here are the additions:
After Psalm 24:7-10 is Hebrews 1:5-6, Psalm 68:18 then Psalm 68:11, followed by Romans 10:15 as per your list. I noticed that 1 Corinthians 15:53 is also included in some versions, slotting into its correct position between verses 52 and 54. This brings the total number of verses in Handel's Messiah Bible verse collection to 78. I'm curious to know why these verses are often left out ... any ideas anyone?
HE IS RISESN INDEED! Have a Blessed Easter, everyone!
Thanks Charlotte. That sounds like a good way to review. I have a few verses left to go and trust I’ll have them all memorized by Good Friday. The second coming verses are just about all still on daily review, but it is good to be able to focus my thoughts this way. And yes, I enjoy listening to various performances of the Messiah as I learn the verses.
Glad you found it and us, Monja. I've divided up on my own review schedule the first part of "The Messiah" dealing with verses associated with Christmas and the ones dealing with "The Resurrection & The Second Coming" and review them in each's proper season, so since Easter is later this year, I am just started my review this week. WELCOME and keep learning! I enjoy listening to the "MESSIAH" each time before I start reviewing! Hope you do too!
I found the answer - announcements are on the website :-)
Hi! I got Bible Memory Pro for Christmas and was excited to see this group as I was exploring! I love Messiah so this will be a great challenge! I don’t see the announcements page though - is that only available on the website? Doing it Handel’s order would help me I think!
Yeah! Christmastime again! May it be a special time for each of you!
He Is Risen Indeed ! Blessings on this wonderful Easter morning and throughout the rest of the year!
Welcome, Arlene, I hope you will be able to listen to the Messiah again while you learn these. You might want to start with learning the Prophecy verses, many which deal with the 2nd coming. Then you might want to ship ahead to learn the Easter verses.
Joyous Christmas, everyone. Hope everyone is staying well! Our LORD is ever faithful!
"Have a Blessed Easter, everyone!
And since I already know so much of "Messiah" by memory, I wanted to add all those Scriptures to my memorized Scriptures, which I thought would be mainly attaching the references to the words I already know; but alas, that's not the case. Handel didn't change everything, but I'll have to go through and figure all that out. I will still memorize all the verses - I'll just have to keep the Bible versions and the musical versions separated in my mind!!
I love listening to the Messiah but I could not always understand the words being sung . . . hence my desire to learn the scriptural basis of the words. Note the list of order sung under Announcements. I learned them in that order but with the ST review schedule pattern, once learned and well reviewed I had to arrange the order my review again. I now only review the some Proph / Christmas portion during late Nov/ Dec and some Proph/ Easter portion during Passion week.
Thank you for the welcome, Charlotte. I've sung "The Messiah" more times than I count, so I practically know the Christmas portions by memory. However, I recently discovered that sometimes Handel changed the wording, or left out phrases - makes the memorizing a little more challenging, but still a blessing.
Welcome, Del Jeanne!! Hope you are blessed as you work thru these wonderful words. And may you get to enjoy hearing the beautiful music as well as you learn them!
March has marched in and Easter is coming soon! What a great time of year to learn the Easter portion of the Messiah!!
Blessed December everyone and Merry Christmas !! This is a great time to put that CD of "The Messiah" on and learn these verses!!
Yeah! Congrats, Sinksitter!
WELCOME, Janine, hope you enjoy learning (and listening too if you can while you are learning some of these. The cadence from the Messiah music sometimes helped me remember the words!)
Click on the Announcement Tab for the order if you would like to learn them in order heard them sung. I know the way our reviews are set up they don't stay that way long ...but then after learning several I chose to review in order instead of when due.
Season's Greetings to All. May you have a Blessed Easter! This is a good time to memorize the Easter/2nd Coming portion of the Messiah or to review it!! This group will be available one more season ... thru Easter of next year and then removed ...so accomplish what you can in the year's span. It's been great to learn these Scriptures so that I could understand more fully what was being sung in the "Messiah" but once accomplished and reviewed, there are more important Scripture portions to work on and it is easier to remove the group than to individually remove all 73 verses from my review list!
Yes, great time to work on these! I love listening to the Messiah and memorizing these verses!
May you all have a Blessed Christmas season! I am now starting to listen to "The Messiah" again and reviewing all the verses from the Gen Prophecies & Christmas portion Collections. I will probably wait until after the first of the year to review the Easter/2nd Coming Collection.
WELCOME, Susan, hope you get to enjoy listening to the "Messiah" as you work on this!
Definitely! Thank you for the encouragement. I had stopped reviewing, but now I want to start back since I have my original account again! :)
WOW, that's great! I know it must have been very frustrating!! the LORD is ever gracious and I know He will help you recall all you previously learned!! I am so amazed at how much I can retain and recall at 71 yrs of age!! This is the best exercise for the brain ever!!! Even my typing skills have increased altho' I still make lots of errors in my finger placement!!
So happy! I just got my old account back by accident! Now I just have to get all my verses back to current. :)
GREAT COMEBACK, Violingirl, sorry you had to do ALL that extra work BUT YOU SHOULD REALLY KNOW THEM NOW !!
Thank you! Nice to have it all laid out like this!
WELCOME WordBird! You might want to begin with the Easter/2nd
Coming Portion ... The Beginning Prophecy section has lots of 2nd Coming verses also!
Or try the "Contact Us" listed far right on same Black band at the bottom.
DID you is what I meant to type!!
Ohm sooo sorry!! Sis you try to contact one of the Admins and ask? I've asked questions using the Help Forum that is listed way down at the bottom of our pages in the black band,
Yes, I accidentally created a duplicate account, and I can't get on my old one. A little depressing to say the least.
Hi, violingirl, I noticed you showed up on a 2nd box. Are you having to re-master all your verses?
YEAH!! REJOICE with me ... it can be done!! Still lots of
reviewing left ... but now I hope to start memorizing JOHN
on my newly establish group : The WORD and His words in the
John which is built topically around the teachings of Jesus rather than every verse of every chapter. JOIN ME if you wish!!
Welcome, Anastasia! Hope you enjoy learning these especially the Easter/Second Coming ones in the soon approach season!
Anyone in our group interested in learning portions of John after finishing these verses? I'm preparing Collections for a new Group "The WORD and His words in the book of John".
Thank you Charlotte! It helps that I'm familiar with a lot of the verses, especially here. :)
YEAH...violingirl ! So pleased to see you gulping down the verses here... and in the "Taste and See Group"!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone and MANY BLESSING in the New Year !!
Thanks, Charlotte. God's Word is always a blessing. Thanks for sharing this tool.
Welcome, Rose! Let us know if we can be of help! I have enjoyed listening to little portions of the Messiah before and after I've learned some of the verses. Trust this will be a blessing to you!
I have been listening to it a little bit every few days just thru the parts I've finished learning. But I'm ready now to hear further esp the Hallelujah Chorus as I am going to wait until after the 1st of the year to start on the Easter section.
Thanks everyone for the welcome! I love Handel's Messiah, and I couldn't pass up a chance to memorize all the verses in it!
Welcome, Violingirl! This is a great group and I hope you enjoy your time here!
WELCOME, violingirl! I hope you enjoy this as much as we do!
Please invite others to join you by using the INVITE OTHERS
buttons on our group page!!
Yeah! Thanks for joining us and feel free to use the "Invite" button to invite your friends!
yeah, Thanks for joining me Dot! I've been listening to "The Messiah" every day too! The church staff never worked it out to put my invite to "the Christmas Story" on their website or FB page so I thought this might be an interest to some of my friends I send Christmas cards to and a way to share what I have found exciting and helpful this year!