Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
keep up the good work everyone. this is catch up week, no new verses but catch up on missed ones!
new verses are up for the bridge: Christ Paid the Penality
hey you all new verses are up, Sin's penality this week!
i cant spell. proclaiming Christ and the wheel illustration!!
new chapter of memorization has begun! proclaiming Christ qnd the whwel illustration!!!
alright everyone, no new verse this week. we are going to take a week to let everyone catch up
hey everyone verse is up!
new memory verse is up! keep up the good work!
hey gang, lets keep focused on learning !!! dont give up
joanna for romana 22:1 i do!
Does anyone else use Pastor Rogers voice in their head for memorizing Philippians 4:6-7 and Romans 12:1. So many memories every time I see them. ❤️
new verse is up for our next chapter "living the new life!" It is all part of the wheel!!
hey church! new verse starting the wheel go up this monday (i may drop it early)
thanks for the new verses, Don!
new memory verse is up!!!
Thank you Don and Brad, great ideas 💡!
Angie - I usually try to say the reference in the beginning and the end. also, thinking about the broader context will help get the right general area. like with John 16:24, I know Jesus said it shortly before he was cruxified, so that reminds me “Oh yeah, somewhere towards the end of John”.
hey everyone! Did you know that if you hold your finger on verses you get a menu and can select "flash cards" another great way to review!!!
angie, i do word play. example: 1corth10:13 tentation, a word play on temptation (get it ten, and the 3 ts in it, plus the ten = 13 so i now have 10:13) i am weird
Does anyone have advice for remembering the reference for the scripture? The numbers don’t stick in my mind. 🤨
I absolutely love this app!! Definitely helps me memorize scripture and I just love it!!
keep it up everyone! new verse has dropped. assurance of forgiveness!!!
yay this is what I needed. Caspian also thinks this is SUPER FUN
Sharpening my sword and getting ready for battle! 🤺
new memory verse is up! assurance of victory! lets keep moving and forging our swords!
Chruch fam, New verse is up! lets build those swords!!
Church fam, lets keep moving, review your verse, the new one will be comming out soon! build that sword!
I think it was Spurgeon who said , "In between battles spend the time sharpening your sword". And Lincoln was quoted as saying “ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”
This app is great! Thanks for sharing!
so proud of you all for joining! lets keep it up and build our swords!