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wow. its like i can hear all you guys laughing
why did the picture go to jail? --because it was framed
lol dude i didn't know you were joking
bro dont tell me what to do Mario. I was jk
*taking a picture of MP...*
*me standing on the shelf taking a shelf of MP taking a picture of himself in front of a shelf*
*me standing in front of a shelf, taking g a shelfie*
I'm reading a book about gravity. I can't put it down!
A book fell on my head. I have only my shelf to blame.
@Sillian he's just kidding around
bruh JJ don't be like that to a new person
wow. so many posts equal spamming? have you seen the truckload you've sent all in a row?
how did the fence get so popular on social media? --with so many posts
take away the hyphen: denile--nile river
Why did the crocodile cross the road? --to live in de-nile
thats a terrible joke. I can do better...
what do you call the worlds ugliest sweater on an ugly dog? --Pugly
also couldbeglorious +12000 aura
swampxwitchxhattie: I hate that this makes sense.
couldbeglorious: Brains do brain logically! But when English doesn't logic englishly brain brains by itself to logic that english!
roseverdict: Because brains don't brain logically
enquires-state-building: Why do these make some semblance of sense 😨
not-to-be-a-tea-but-brit: My headache makes me want to clothesline into a wall.
ailithnight: I like to veliciraptor around my house at 2 in the morning
mysterytinyfox: See that's why I love english.
yupokaysuremhm: BEAUTIFUL
yupokaysuremhm: This point is invalid unless you use an example in your sentence.
ace-nyctophyle: Any noun can become a verb if you don't care enough.
Ok guys I just came across a really funny stream of posts but you can't rlly read it on my pfp so Ima recreate it on here
ok thats funny Nathaniel😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I read like 7k books in a year prolly
they say Isaac Newton wanted to write he liked them thicc af but his writers said they couldn't put that in a science book so he said fine the greater the maas the greater the force of attraction 🤣
are we seriously questioning whether they read 10k books in a 3 month span?
I'm not old enough for a car, and I live in the country
@Mario me too lol. Then I got friends. And a car.
I prolly have read 9999 books this year
bro where do you live lol YESS it does
Wait... does "gen" mean generation?
wow that's actually quite an idea
imagine getting down to gen sigma and Gen mu cuz those are Greek letters too just like alpha and beta
you said gen a gen a is gen alpha
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