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Hi ummm I can’t spell your name out but yah hi!😅
Hi can i join this group?
I made a new group called admin
@Haven i love Kili, Tauriel, Bard, Legolas, Fili, Thorin, Bilbo, and well yeah! lol
hey I am joined and I like dragons how about you?
I really like Gandalf and Legolas. how about you?
Haven, i just checked my group that has you and saw the comments. You have watched the Hobbit? whos your favs?
sure! any one seen lotr or the hobbit?
hey guys can u join my group teenagers and young adults of 2023
have you guys seen the Hobbit or LOTR?
that aussie pup is sooooo cuuttte!!!
what group are we talking about? Oh and Happy 4th!!
I was saying I left of my own free accord and she did not kick me so well I left because my mom made me
'I wasn’t kicked I left'
What did you leave?
I was hoping you were a girl!
Girl and you are a girl too right?
hey Blythe are you a boy or girl If you don’t mind me asking.
just wondering if she had joined mine (the one your on)
talking to Emma about Bible Bee. she was kicked off Bible bee: 2023 believe.
Few! I'm glad. do you do Bible Bee?
i wish that they didn't have to have the word in it....
cool! it's soo good!! But there's some fool language and violence.
my brothers have watched it and I am going to soon!😁
ye I know my mom used to watch it when she was a kid and know she knows not to let us watch it
what if you use Clearplay. it's like VidAngel. Clearplay's a free app that you canget. it takes out all bad words (and trust me there's lot's) and violence.
I am 10 ya it has a lot of violence so I can’t watch it
who old are you? the lego ones are funny!! the real ones have lots of action and adventure but also violence. My best friends little sister watched it and she's only 2. But she and some of the younger kids had to go out of the room at certain parts.(* ̄0 ̄)
I have seen the Lego version but my mom won’t let me see the real one
do you like Jurassic world?
my new one is a poster of Jurassic world the fallen kingdom
my old photo (the blue one with a raptor, a dino) was fan art of Jurassic world.
yes I'm a girl! Blythe is a girl name
not me ther was another girl you said that a different girl looked weird Emma.f is what she said
Blythe if you don’t mind me asking are you a girl
can you guys join: Bible Bee 2023, Warrior Princesses! and Teen Bible Warriors? thanks
Hey everybody! Just wondering who on here does Bible Bee?
hey if anyone is on youtube then please check out my channel called dreams drawing! thanks!
I made a 3 tear cake with flowers going down on April 3 it was big
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