hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
Worthy is the Lamb of God for He was slain and with his blood, he ransomed us! Pls memorize this week's BSF verse from Revelation 5:9
Don't forget to memorize the weekly BSF verses. For our convenience, I have added all the verses as group verses here. Blessings!