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The C + Letters

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This Group is a continuation of the letters of Paul grouped by

ALPHABET to create a more manageable way to impute and learn

this large body of Scripture. This grouping consists of 1 & 2 Corinthians

and Colossians as well as Ephesians, Galatians and Romans hence the "+" added to the "C"!  Other letters of Paul will be found in the groups The "T" Letters and The "P" letters which also includes 1 & 2 Peter. 

YOU WILL NEED TO WATCH CAREFULLY FOR ORDER of 1 & 2 Corinthians and Romans as I don't why ST placed some chapters out of order numerically! (I tried several times to redo it.)


My desire and practice is to learn whole chapters or passages by first learning individual verses or pairs (when appropriate and short) then reviewing increasing larger groups of verses until the whole chapter or passage is reviewed. This involves lots of repetitions of verses in imputing and reviewing but is how I learn best!  Use whatever part of these groupings meets your need in learning and MAY YOU BE BLESSED IN DOING SO! Thanks for joining me in this wonderful adventure!

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